Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome to Chloe's Candyland!

Better late than never, I am finally getting around to posting about Chloe's fabulous 1st birthday party! Thank you to everybody who attended and a BIG THANKS to my family and friends who helped make this party possible! You know who you are, haha. Lets just say the candyland path that started at the bottom of the driveway leading to the back yard was a 1/2 day project, and without Robin and Tif, I do not know how it would have got done!!

The kids followed the candyland path to a cotton candy machine, snow cone machine, candy buffet, kids buffet, bounce house, swing set, etc, etc. Every kids dream came to life at Chloe's majical party. Now on to planning her 2nd birthday, haha.

The pictures are out of order, but I just do not have the time to sit here and play with it any longer. So, here are some pics from Chloe's special day!

Grammy making cotton candy!
The Chloe picture wall

Compliments of Crane photography! :)
The awesome cakes that my mom made!
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1 comment:

Renee and Ryan's Book said...

What a sweet party idea! Everything is adorable!!